Alice always thought her mother-in-law, Linda, was a kind woman. But when Alice discovered Linda’s cruel treatment of her 12-year-old son, Peter, she planned a public revenge to expose the truth.
After overhearing Linda’s harsh words toward Peter and Matthew, Alice secretly recorded the abuse. She decided to take action when she learned Linda would be honored at a school event. With the help of her friend Sarah, Alice arranged for the video to be played during Linda’s speech.
As Linda spoke about kindness, the video played, revealing her cruelty. The audience gasped in shock, and Linda’s perfect reputation crumbled. Alice felt vindicated, but as she left with her sons, she realized the cost of revenge: her family was now torn apart.
Back home, Peter was clearly affected, and Alice regretted not considering the impact on him sooner. While Linda’s reputation was destroyed, Alice knew her family’s healing was just beginning.