The revival of “The Golden Girls” is poised to commence filming once the show’s producers finalize the cast. Currently, they’ve successfully cast the roles of Rose, Blanche, and Sophia, but securing the ideal Dorothy has proven to be quite a task.
Casting director Joe Barron is adamant about not succumbing to “woke culture” and simply handing the role to a celebrity based solely on their name recognition. “I won’t even entertain the thought of casting Whoopi Goldberg,” he asserted, “she’s proven to be disruptive on any set.”
The character of Dorothy necessitates a certain level of boldness and even some unlikeability, but ultimately, the audience must rally behind her for the show’s success. In considering alternatives, casting choices such as Roseanne Barr or Patricia Heaton could prove more suitable.
While the production has compromised slightly on “wokeness” by casting Bette Midler as Rose and Jane Fonda as Blanche, they’ve also introduced some political diversity by selecting Kevin Sorbo to portray Sophia in a non-binary manner.
“We aim to introduce a conservative voice to balance the spectrum,” Barron remarked. “We’re hopeful that Judge Jeanine Pirro will take on the role. That would truly be remarkable. As long as it’s not Whoopi Goldberg, the specific casting choice isn’t of paramount importance. God Bless America.”