There are many families who have a difficult time conceiving, and they do have options. Eventually, they may decide that one of the best options is adopting, but it is a big choice to make.
Sadie and Jarvis Sampson are a loving couple that fall into this category. They tried so many different things to get pregnant but unfortunately, it just seemed as if nature was working against them.

According to the mother, they tried: “Ovulation tests, prenatal vitamins, cycle tracking apps, fertility monitors.” Unfortunately, it did not work well for them.
She went on to say: “We even tried the unsolicited advice of friends, family, and strangers and didn’t try. For 14 months, we tried, prayed, and waited. Month after month. Negative pregnancy test after negative test. It seemed like we were going to need assistance to conceive. We even went as far as to talk to doctors about it.”
When they went to the doctors, they didn’t get much assistance. Sadie was told to lose weight and she did lose 28 pounds after having gastric bypass surgery. Her OB/GYN was excited, as was the young woman.
Sadie said: “She told me that if I wasn’t pregnant within six months then she would refer me to a fertility specialist, because she couldn’t prescribe me the fertility medication,” Sadie said. “I was over the moon about that. Finally, we got something other than a no! We got a ‘not right now,’ and we were thrilled.”
Unfortunately, they didn’t get pregnant, leading to even further disappointment.

Sadie said: “I had always felt like I was born to be a mother. My surgeon had taken so much time to warn me about how fertile I would be after surgery, but I still wasn’t pregnant. So, we gave up. We realized that we were only destined to be an aunt and uncle to our nieces, and godparents to our goddaughters.”
They tried many different things and were ready to give up, and then a friend asked if they had considered fostering the baby. They were hesitant at first but eventually, they talked to a caseworker and decided to get started.
They were afraid that they would get too attached to the baby they were fostering but when the caseworker told him that the birth mother decided she would like them to keep the baby, they were very excited.
She said: “We went from not having any children, to the possibility of fostering one, to, ‘You guys are parents!,’ overnight. I listened to the case worker as she talked, still in disbelief. I hung up and called my husband! ‘Babe!! They want us to adopt the baby! They want us to be parents,’ I screamed. ‘Wait! REALLY?! I thought they just wanted us to foster him!,’ he said. ‘Nope! They want us to be his mom and dad,’ I said.”
It took a lot for them to absorb what had just happened but by the time the next week rolled around, they were ready to have an independent adoption.
The baby had been born seven weeks early at 33 weeks and he was 4 pounds, 5 ounces. She said that the young one fit into one of her husband’s hands and was being fed with the tube because he was premature.
After sharing the news on social media, they listed some items they needed and many were purchased within a few days. They posted pictures of themselves on social media wearing T-shirts, saying “families don’t have to match.”
In 2021, they welcomed twin girls into their family as a result of embryo donation. They stuck with the same motto, and that black couple now has three white kids.
They are a beautiful family and it’s easy to see that they are very happy with the journey they have started.