The internet is full of viral challenges that test our cognitive abilities, and this particular image puzzle has left many scratching their heads. The challenge seems simple enough at first glance: count the number of dots in the image. But as with most puzzles that go viral, there’s more than meets the eye.

The puzzle presents an arrangement of green dots, forming a cross-like shape. It seems straightforward—just count the dots, right? However, many people fail to notice additional details hidden in the image, leading to incorrect answers. The challenge isn’t just about counting the obvious dots; it’s about seeing beyond the surface.
This puzzle leverages a common cognitive trick: our brains often overlook details when focusing on the bigger picture. That’s why it’s easy to miss some of the less obvious dots embedded in the image. Our brains are wired to simplify tasks, sometimes at the cost of accuracy.
Let’s break down the image step by step:
The Main Dots: The first thing you see are the green dots arranged in a cross pattern. There are 20 green dots in total.
The Hidden Dots: But wait, there’s more. The percentage sign (%) in the phrase “99% will fail” has two dots, one above the slash and one below it.
The Number “99”: The number “99” itself contains two dots as well, formed by the circular parts of the digits.
The Dot in “Fail”: There is a dot in the word “Fail.”
Dots in the Text: Finally, the phrase “How many dots?” at the bottom of the image contains four more dots.