First, a little historical review. The first Barbie was released in 1959. She was advertised as anatomically perfect, and girls who were tired of the celluloid, big doll eyes enjoyed playing with the dolls, which had an adult face and a feminine figure. Over time, doctors raised the alarm: teenage girls began to torture themselves to achieve the same shapes as the dolls. Barbie caused anorexia in hundreds, if not thousands of people. In search of stylish ideas for the current season, I came across an article describing a certain Austrian Barbie as a style and fashion icon, although finding reliable information about her turned out to be a real challenge.
Let me introduce Billie (or Anna, depending on the source), a 30-year-old woman who lives in Vienna and considers herself a style icon and “the most beautiful artificial woman in Europe.” Born in 1994 into an ordinary family, Billie had a typical childhood with no special interests; She attended school and played sports. At the age of 15 or 16, she fell in love with emo culture, dyed her hair black, got piercings, and later added some tattoos.

At 18, Billie realized that the emo aesthetic didn’t attract the attention she wanted, which led her to completely change her appearance, swapping the familiar black for babydoll pink. Although she started to get noticed, she always felt like she wasn’t enough, which led her to have her first breast augmentation at 19. Billie’s rise to fame didn’t happen overnight. At first, she made money by posting her photos on various platforms and getting paid for the views. She claims to be one of the founders of OnlyFans, although this claim is unsubstantiated.

Little by little, she began to attract media attention, appearing on television and various talk shows where she shared her experiences on various aspects of her life. Frankly, before all these transformations, she was a charming young woman with beautiful eyes. Unfortunately, she could not see anything beautiful in her natural appearance and decided to change herself to conform to certain trends and norms. The Austrian resident has admitted several times that she has developed an addiction to plastic surgery and injections, but feels powerless and unwilling to change her course.