Unusual Perception: The Enigma of the Floating Rock
On social media, optical illusions can have a greater impact. This is demonstrated by a picture that went viral on Twitter and confused many users.
Deceptive Reflection: Unveiling the Illusion
The image portrays a rock seemingly floating in the air, devoid of any visible support. However, the truth behind the illusion lies in the rock’s placement in still water, creating a perfect reflection that gives the impression of levitation.
Debate Ignites: Perspectives and Interpretations
With over 1.1 crore views, the image sparked lively debates among users. Some recognized it as an optical illusion, while others debated whether it was merely a reflection in calm water.

Beyond Belief: Navigating Illusionary Content
As social media remains integral to our lives, it’s crucial to acknowledge the illusory nature of certain images and approach them with skepticism. By questioning their authenticity and considering various viewpoints, we can navigate the digital landscape more effectively.