When it flies through the air spread-eagled, the enormous golden-crowned bat, which has wings almost as broad as Tom Cruise, looks terrible. Its skinny, hairy body draws attention to the magnitude of its wings, which are almost as wide as Tom Cruise. When it is roosting, the long, elastic cape that it wears gives it the appearance of a vampire.
Despite its terrifying size, the fruit-eating megabat, which is a member of a species that is only found in the Philippines, is harmless and shows no signs of attacking people. The Philippines are the only place in the world where you can find this species.
They have become an endangered species because to human encroachment on their natural habitat as well as illicit hunting of them for either sport or food.

People, who were surprised by their size and alarmed by the way they appeared to be predators, were both enthralled and horrified by images that went viral of these defenseless endangered species.When the first images of them went viral, people immediately began referring to them as “human-sized” bats; however, this incorrect description led to both confusion and terror among the public.
Before we can proceed with learning more about these peculiar animals, there are a few points that need to be clarified. To begin, they are not “human-sized” unless you adopt an extremely broad meaning of the term and compare them to the size of a “small child” rather than the size of an average adult human being.
The giant golden-crowned bat is one of the largest kinds of bats in the world. It has a wingspan of around 5 feet 6 inches, a body that ranges in size from seven inches to 11.4 inches, and weighs less than 3 pounds.

The fig-loving bat is a nocturnal herbivore that hunts at night for roots, fruits, and vegetables. Its head is covered in a fluffy golden crown.
Although there are other varieties of flying fox megabats in Asia, Africa, and Australia, the golden-crowned flying fox (Acerodon jubatus) is unique to the Philippine jungles, where it frequently lives in colonies with up to 10,000 members.
It spends the day hanging from its clawed toes in the trees with a group of its companions, dozing off. Sometimes, the enormous flying fox, which has a wingspan of less than five feet, would sleep with its smaller cousins, the giant bats.Giant Golden-crowned Flying Foxes don’t use echolocation like many other bats do; instead, they use sight and scent to find their way through the air.